Vmware-vdiskmanager Mac Os X Download Updated

Vmware-vdiskmanager Mac Os X Download

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Getting Up and Running in Mac OS X (Leopard and then Snow Leopard)

Beneath is my blog on how I configured my Mac Pro (in late 2008, after many years running Linux and Windows). After sections depict (in reverse-chronological order) my software setups for Linux and Windows. (Section 15 below gives a corresponding reverse-chronological log of hardware purchased and congenital for my setup.)

Install VMware, which then installed Windows XP unattended!
  • My start headbutt was that the virtual Windows auto could not meet the other Windows machines in its ``work grouping''. A 2nd trouble was that Bonjour could see the printers shared on my network, but any endeavour to print to them from Safari acquired Safari to hang forever. As usual, an Internet search came quickly to the rescue. Both these problems were stock-still by the same change: It turns out the network mode of the virtual machine must be bridged (not ``shared with the host'', which is the default) in club to run across other members of the Windows workgroup. In other words, the vm must be ``straight connected'' to the network. (With the virtual machine running, go to ``Virtual Machine / Settings / Network'' in VMware, change the style, reboot the vm, and effort clicking on ``View workgroup computers'' in (virtual) Windows.)
  • Re-create setup programme for Beyond Compare 2 and install information technology.
  • Re-create Windows personal data using Across Compare (a simple copy failed because there was a cyclic-back-up check failure on one file).
  • Note that Norton Ghost failed to either copy the drive or restore a check betoken, presumably due to that ane bad file. 3
  • When I gear up the Windows virtual machine, I thought it would be easy to enlarge it equally needed. I was incorrect:
    • Search the Spider web for someone's story (nothing in the VMware menus or even doc that I could find).
    • Delete the snapshot I had fabricated after I first got Windows installed up to Service Pack 3 (you can't resize a virtual automobile with any snapshots). (From now on, my ``snapshots'' will be copies of the directory package, compressed by bzip2.)
    • locate ".vmdk"
    • alias vdm '/Library/Awarding\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/vmware-vdiskmanager'
    • vdm -x 100GB myWindowsXPDisk.vmdk
    • Install and run Partition Magic (!) on the virtual machine to enlarge the deejay partition within Windows XP
/usr/bin/chsh -s /bin/tcsh me
sudo scutil -set HostName newhostname.local
Copy Linux versions of ~/.tcshrc and ~/.emacs and customize every bit needed
Make Caps Lock another Command key (System Preferences / Keyboard & Mouse / Keyboard / Modifier Keys / CapsLock Cardinal: Command)
sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb [Make locate piece of work - Note that this is arguably obsoleted now by Spotlight]
Automate mounting of samba shares equally follows (from the Web):
  • Brand certain shares are connected in the Finder
  • Access the ``Login Items'' tab in ``System Preferences / Accounts''
  • Click the plus sign [+] and cull the desired Volume
Install X11 from Optional Installs on the Mac Os X installation disk
Download Xcode three.0 disk image [have to annals equally an Apple programmer]
Alter the root countersign [seems to be required before you lot can su]
Add known hosts to /etc/hosts as usual [no app seems to ain this]
Check out Subversion repo containing my project-independent personal data
Install MacPorts package: http://guide.macports.org
sudo port selfupdate [port installs binaries in /opt/local/bin so add to path]
sudo port install pure q latexdiff latex2html gnupg
sudo port install octave octave-betoken octave-audio sox
Octave note: To compile .oct files, add together the post-obit lines
in the file /Applications/Octave.app/Contents/Resource/bin/mkoctfile-3.2.3 after the "set -eastward" line. The trouble was that in Snow Leopard compilers try ever to build in 64bit, while libraries shipped with Octave are 32 scrap. The -m32 flag forces the compiler to build 32bit programs. (From http://www-one-time.cae.wisc.edu/pipermail/assist-octave/2009-October/016456.html)
port search octave [to list all Octave packages]
[Update 12/24/2008:]
  • sudo port uninstall octave
  • Download and install octave.app.dmg from the sourceforge Octave download page
  • Download and install packages Miscellaneous, Optim, Signal, Sound, etc., from
  • ln -s /Applications/Octave.app/Contents/Resources/bin/octave /usr/bin/octave
  • ln -south /Applications/GnuPlot.app/Contents/Resource/bin/gnuplot /usr/bin/gnuplot
  • ln -s /Applications/Octave.app/Contents/Resources/bin/mkoctfile /usr/bin/mkoctfile
[Update six/xv/2010:]
  • mv /usr/bin/octave /usr/bin/octaveapp
  • sudo port install octave-audio octave-benchmark octave-control octave-data-smoothing octave-general octave-ident octave-integration octave-io octave-linear-algebra octave-miscellaneous octave-missing-functions octave-odepkg octave-optim octave-optiminterp octave-plot octave-indicate octave-specfun octave-special-matrix octave-spline-gcvspl octave-splines octave-statistics octave-strings octave-struct octave-symband
    (Information technology was necessary to hide my /.octaverc file for this to work. The build, which uses a shell that imported my surround, failed as a result of something in there. I was able restore it after and things seem to be fine.)
sudo port install openssl [wget needed by older octave-forge build]
mv /usr/bin/texi2html /usr/bin/texi2html-Hibernate [older octave-forge build needs the version in /opt/local/bin -- haven't checked all the newly separated packages]
sudo port install xpdf [not really needed, but I have scripts that expect information technology]
If this fails for you lot, endeavor the following:
port uninstall xpdf port uninstall poppler port install -f xpdf +with_poppler          
(In that location is a problems in which both xpdf and poppler desire to install the same file. Since xpdf depends on poppler, poppler wins and xpdf refuses to overwrite the file so its installation fails.) I found I had to do this again after the usual ``port selfupdate; port upgrade outdated''
port install qtplay [command-line audio/mp3 player using Quicktime]
port upgrade outdated [from fourth dimension to time]
Install Carbon Emacs, which was a lot nicer than the port version (which runs in a Final window). All-time of all, it uses [command] for meta! -- feels completely normal.
Firefox installed from Web download
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE [To see .emacs, etc., in Finder]
Install latest Faust:
  • Read-only access to Faust compiler:
    git clone git://faudiostream.git.sourceforge.cyberspace/gitroot/faudiostream/faudiostream
  • Programmer (Read-Write access) to Faust compiler:
    git clone ssh://USERNAME@faudiostream.git.sourceforge.internet/gitroot/faudiostream/faudiostream
    I also replace many installed products past symbolic links back to the git clone, and so source edits will immediately take result without an explicit install.
As an experiment, I tried installing Fedora ix in a VMware Fusion virtual motorcar (under the latest Mac OS X). To my surprise, information technology worked pretty well, except for a few glitches:
  • At that place were display bug that began after xorg.conf every bit written by the VMware tools (I only backed out to the previous xorg.conf).
  • I was able to install planetccrma-core and planetccrma-apps without difficulty. The real-time kernel booted without any trouble. Even so, while JACK sort of worked (with underruns), it oftentimes hangs and has to be killed. Non-JACK sound works fine (using pulseaudio) from the virtual F9 machine on the Mac!
I besides needed to exercise the following for VMware Tools:
  • yum install kernel-rt-devel [needed to compile VMware Tools with Planet CCRMA real time kernel installed. The Tools compilation requires the path
    /usr/src/kernels/<latest-kernel>/include to exist entered manually.]
Installed tcsh (my emacs shell) and octave and their dependencies from Cygwin into Windows virtual machine.
Make it like shooting fish in a barrel to reload PDF files in Preview:
http://world wide web.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2006010200141989
To open .dvi files written by TETen or L A TDue eastTen, I placed the post-obit script in ~/bin/dvi2pso:
#!/bin/tcsh -f # convert .dvi to .ps and open in Preview # mkdir -p /tmp/dvi2pso dvips -f $1 -o /tmp/dvi2pso/$one.ps open /tmp/dvi2pso/$one.ps          
To my surprise, I could not ready this (executable) file to exist the opener for all .dvi files. However, I could exercise this afterwards the following commands:
cd ~/bin mkdir -p dvi2pso.app/Contents/MacOS/ cd dvi2pso.app/Contents/MacOS/ ln -s ../../../dvi2pso .          
It appears the Finder volition only allow full fledged applications to open documents. Perchance this is a security thing.
To automatically reload changed PDF documents in Preview (very helpful when writing LaTeX documents, prepare the applescript called ``Reload Preview Document ane.0'' by Trevor Harmon. (For this, inspect (via %1) a PDF document and brand sure its opening app is Preview.)
port install xfig [I utilize xfig all the time under Linux, and I export figures in .fig format from Octave using the print -dfig command. This allows further editing, line thickening, etc. The fig2dev plan included with xfig is very useful for converting .fig files to either PDF or EPS under Makefile control.]
Later on some flailing around in xfig, I stumbled upon the following table of equivalences:
Tabular array 1: Left/middle/right mouse-click equivalences
X11 Mac OS Ten
left-click = click
center-click = option-click
correct-click = command-click $\eqsp $ ii-finger click

Install Xquartz = updated X11 for Mac OS X [ http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki ]
svn checkout svn+ssh://ccrma-gate.stanford.edu/~jos/svnrc/l2hsvn/trunk ./l2h; cd l2h; ./configure; make; brand install [set some latex2html bugs that ofttimes bite me]
To be able to run into the HP LaserJet 1220 printer on my Linux machine, I first tried CUPS press:
http://www.wikihow.com/Share-a-Cups-Printer-With-Apple tree-Mac-Os-10
but this never worked: ``Network host <cups server hostname> is busy; will retry ...''.
I also tried HP IP Press nether the ``More Printers'' button, inbound the IP address of the Linux machine manually (since ``Auto'' failed to find it), and no printers were constitute. What worked was, when calculation a printer, to cull the Windows (!) printing button (as opposed to the ``IP'' button), selecting the Linux host, and finally the printer, which was exported on the local cyberspace via Samba. (I chose the ``HP laserjet 1220'' driver instead of the ``HP laserjet 1220 Gutenprint'' driver, which I hope was the best choice.) I also selected ``Print Using Generic PostScript Printer.''
To be able to access my HP LaserJet 1220 printer under VMware Windows (on the Mac Pro), I had to first browse to the printer (or at least its host) under ``My Network Places'' / ``View workgroup computers'' which triggered a login on that host. Simply after doing that could I successfully browse to the printer under Control Panel / Printers and Faxes / ``Add a printer'' link. As well, this is needed after every fourth dimension the connexion is broken! I telephone call this a Windows XP bug: ``Add together a printer'' should trigger the login while browsing in exactly the same style, but information technology doesn't. The commuter choices for the laserjet 1220 were ``PCL'' and ``PS (MS)''. My understanding from a cursory Web search is that the PCL driver is from HP while any ``MS'' driver is a Microsoft ``native commuter.'' I chose PCL.
port install gv [I use it to generate 2up and 4up EPS files, amongst other things]
Add together local to the ``Search Domains'' field of the Network preference pane in Arrangement Preferences and so that ``ssh hostname.local'' works on my local subnet. This works in i management only: I can access my (stock-still-IP-address) Mac Pro from my (dynamic-IP-address) Macbook Pro, but not the other mode effectually. This is quite inconvenient, and I remember whoever designed DHCP without reliable automatically exported name support should exist reassigned.
port install mpage [Used to print 2-upward via the shell alias 'mpage -2 -H -bLetter -f \!* | lpr -l']
cd <faustsource>/Faust/tools/faust2pd-1.0.2; [change q prefix from /usr/local to /opt/local, exit pd prefix unchanged]; make install; make install-pd; ln -s /opt/local/bin/q /usr/local/bin
Download and install 64-bit version of Pd-extended [surprisingly hard to discover in a search consequence!]
Install Tcl/Tk Aqua (standalone version) (Daniel A. Steffen maintains) [To install Wish.app for use with Mac OS X version of Pd-extended]
For testing MIDI patches in Pd-extended, one must add the exported MIDI device(s) under Pd-extended / Preferences / MIDI Settings. Also, IAC Driver must be activated (come across below).
Install the Virtual MIDI Pianoforte Keyboard (vmpk):
Mac universal binary vmpk.app obtained from http://sourceforge.net/vmpk/
(could not compile latest CVS because it requires Qt built with Carbon support)
Install (the smaller) MidiKeys 1.7b
but unfortunately it is compiled for PowerPC simply! (and no source)
Argh! MIDI connections via software disabled past default!
Enable software MIDI connections by activating the IAC driver:
  • Launch /Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI Setup.app
  • Select Window / Evidence MIDI window
  • Double-click on ``IAC Driver''
  • Select ``Device is online''
  • If more ane MIDI port is needed, click on `+'
  • Note: The ``Utilize'' button is disabled, and the port-number increment-switches don't work, but MIDI seems to work anyway. In Pd, for instance, one can choose the device MidiKeys and/or ``VMPK Output'' (when installed and running) and/or ``IAC Driver IAC Bus 1''.
port install qt4-mac [needed past faust2coreaudio]
port install aspell-dict-en [needed by aspell (don't know how aspell got installed previously, or why it was installed without whatsoever dictionaries, thus rendering it useless and confusing]
port install pure-devel [needed by pd-pure-0.4
port install mercurial [needed by adjacent control:]
hg clone http://freehg.org/u/cozzyd/tabsynth/ [graphics-tablet synthesis control]
cd /usr/local/bin; ln -s qmake-mac qmake [no idea why this was necessary, but information technology makes faust2coreaudio work ok.]
sudo perl -MCPAN -due east crush; install HTML::WikiConverter [for a project]
port deactivate libungif; port install qjackctl [messing with faust2jack on the Mac]
Originally I did port install texlive +alphabetic character, and this worked for a good while, but eventually (by November. 2010) information technology became broken (texnansi.enc could not be institute by dvips). Thus, ...
port remove texlive
  • sudo port -u uninstall [necessary because the following volition fail if there is more than than ane version]
  • sudo port uninstall -follow-dependents texlive-basic
  • Download MacTeX.mpkg.zippo MacTeXtras.zipfrom http://world wide web.tug.org/mactex/
    The download never ``completed'' but the i.66 GB file seemed to be ok.
    A second download effort appeard to complete but was only ane.01 GB and would not unzip.
  • Install MacTeX-2010
  • setenv PATH "/usr/texbin:$PATH"
    (The doc says this is done automatically, but information technology was not for me.)
  • reinstall latex2html (configure; make; sudo brand install)
I reported the trouble to trac.macports.org , and was informed that I needed to install texlive-fonts-extra which contains that file. Another option is to install the texlive +total variant, which MacTeX-2010 is said to do internally. For at present I am sticking with MacTeX-2010 because it has an unexpected great feature that MacPorts texlive currently lacks: The MacTex version of latex+dvips appears to automatically ingather the generated file to the declared papersize. I'm working on a 6x9 book, and was in the habit of cropping in Adobe Acrobat Pro, but at present that time-consuming manual step is no longer necessary. Some other cool characteristic worth mentioning is that it installs a Arrangement Preferences console that allows toggling between the apply of MacTeX and texlive; that is, they are uniform and do non overwrite each other. In detail, MacTeX installs all of its programs in its own directory /usr/texbin/ (which you have to add to your shell search $PATH.) Next time I accept a TeX-related headbutt, I'll be able to easily endeavor the MacPorts version of texlive.
defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool Aye [make directory paths visible atop Finder windows]
Download and install Deltopia DeltaWalker. This is a passable replacement (on Mac OS Ten) for Beyond Compare on Windows. It also has some more advanced features than Beyond Compare since it is based on Eclipse. One can likewise use FileMerge
(/Developer/Applications/Utilities/FileMerge.app) for this purpose, simply I detect it harder to use. I can also utilise Across Compare from a Windows virtual car running on the Mac nether VMware Fusion, operating on ``shared folders''; however, copying links changes their apparent size so I don't yet trust information technology. For a quick file unequal, I now prefer opendiff from the command line (which uses FileMerge).
man opendiff

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``My Computers'', by Julius O. Smith Iii, Web document.
Copyright © 2015-11-29 by Julius O. Smith III
Center for Reckoner Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), Stanford University

Vmware-vdiskmanager Mac Os X Download

Posted by: carmichaelofew1972.blogspot.com

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